

斯基:Vice 苦艾酒:Vermouth 伏特加:Vodka 白蘭地:Brandy 威士忌:Whisky 龍舌蘭:Agaveamericana 香檳:champagne 琴酒:Gin 特其拉酒:Tequila(我知道的只有這么多了)



V-Very (非常的) X-Extra (格外的) S-Superior (特別的) F-Fine (好) O-Old (老的) C-Cognac (干邑) P-Pale (淡的) A-Armagnac (雅馬邑) 市面上常見(jiàn)的等級(jí)包含V.S. (Very Superior)、V.S.O.P. (Very Superior Old Pale)、X.O. (Extra Old)、Extra等,根據(jù)法國(guó)政府規(guī)定,V.S.酒齡為二年半,V.S.O.P. 和 Reserve 等級(jí)的陳年時(shí)間在四年半至八年之間,六年以上才能在酒瓶上標(biāo) X.O.。但是在全世界公認(rèn)最好的白蘭地產(chǎn)地干邑區(qū),它們的 X.O. 標(biāo)示都采高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的 25年陳年    V.O.(Very Old):12-15年以上 V.V.O.(Very Very Old):15-18年    V.S.O.(Very Special Old):18-20年    V.S.O.P.(Very Special Old Pale):20年以上    V.V.S.O.P.(Very,Very Special Old Pale):   40年以上 X.O.(Extra Old):45年以上    E.F.(Extra Fine):75年以上



raki--梅酒 rum--朗姆酒 cabernet--卡勃耐酒 tokay--托考依 ratafee--果酒 medoc--梅克多 cider--蘋(píng)果酒 claret--紅葡萄酒 chang--青稞酒 martini--馬提尼酒 cinzano--泌扎諾酒 riesling--雷斯林白葡萄酒 dirsch——櫻桃白蘭地 rye——黑麥威士忌 bacardi——巴卡第(rum一種) fino,oloroso,amontillado(sherry屬) maraschino——黑櫻桃酒 gin——琴酒(杜松子酒) vodka——伏特加 pisco——皮斯克 tequila——龍舌蘭 vermouth——苦艾酒 Liqueur——利口酒 bordeaux——波爾多 sautemes——蘇特恩 margaux——瑪爾戈 chablies——夏布利 spumante——意大利蘇打白葡萄酒 sauterne——法國(guó)白葡萄酒 mescal——麥斯卡爾酒 chartre use——查特酒 campari——堪上培利(開(kāi)胃酒) curacao——庫(kù)臘索甜酒 cointreau——康涂橘酒 cassis——黑醋粟酒 Amaretto——意大利苦杏酒 Port——泡特酒 Armagnac——阿馬尼亞克 Smirnoff——司木露(伏特加) Mint Julep——薄荷朱利酒 Sloe gin——黑刺李琴酒 Bourbon——波旁酒 Bronx——布朗克斯 Negroni——內(nèi)格羅尼酒 Pink lady——粉紅佳人 daiquiri——代基里酒 kir——基爾酒 Black Velvet——烈性黑啤酒 Curacao——柑香酒 Shandy——一種啤酒..... Sherry——雪利酒


4,威士忌的英語(yǔ)究竟是 Whisky 還是 Whiskey

英文名稱: Whiskey ;Whisky。烈酒通常被習(xí)慣分為六大類:金酒(Gin)、威士忌(Whisky)、白蘭地(Brandy)、伏特加(Vodka)、蘭姆酒(又叫羅姆酒、藍(lán)姆酒或朗姆酒)(Rum)和龍舌蘭。(Tequila)。在英語(yǔ)世界中,蘇格蘭和美國(guó)的威士忌是 Whisky 。愛(ài)爾蘭和加拿大威士忌是Whiskey。區(qū)別就在多了一個(gè)e。蘇格蘭和愛(ài)爾蘭為了證明本國(guó)是威士忌發(fā)明的國(guó)家所以在威士忌的寫(xiě)法上就不同了。在美國(guó)和愛(ài)爾蘭,酒商會(huì)在酒標(biāo)上使用「whiskey」這個(gè)拼寫(xiě)方法 ,蘇格蘭、加拿大和其他單一麥芽生產(chǎn)地區(qū)則愿意使用「whisky」。(所以看一個(gè)飲酒人士怎么拼寫(xiě)威士忌,很可能能猜到他日常接觸什么樣的威士忌比較多)據(jù)說(shuō),在 19 世紀(jì)七八十年代,蘇格蘭威士忌的質(zhì)量欠佳。愛(ài)爾蘭的酒商希望自己的產(chǎn)品能和「低端」的蘇格蘭威士忌有所區(qū)分,因此在也英文中加了「e」用以區(qū)分。如今蘇格蘭威士忌的地位已無(wú)可撼動(dòng),但這個(gè)拼寫(xiě)的區(qū)別仍然保留下來(lái)。以如果期待能深入威士忌的世界,從威士忌菜鳥(niǎo)變身資深酒客——《威士忌微醺之旅:超入門(mén)賞味手冊(cè)》這本小書(shū)可以幫到你。忘掉那些令人望而卻步的厚重又昂貴的威士忌指南!你甚至可以走進(jìn)一家酒吧,一邊喝酒一邊閱讀本書(shū)。從最紅火的單一麥芽、日本威士忌到調(diào)和型威士忌,從釀造工藝、風(fēng)味品鑒再到購(gòu)買(mǎi)指南……就以這小書(shū)入手,輕松開(kāi)始你的威士忌微醺之旅。美國(guó)的威士忌是whisky,加拿大威士忌是Whiskey,被稱為生命之水。
威士忌 = whisky
“細(xì)分眾化”與 “輕收藏”風(fēng)潮 Vintage Whisky Collection深度品鑒

5,簡(jiǎn)單的英語(yǔ) 關(guān)于洋酒與葡萄酒的

一開(kāi)始 就是 CAN I HELP U 然后 就THIS IS GOOD 就行了!~
Summer is just around the corner in this hot season, if for a glass of wine on the how things go! However, if you think wine is wine in Riga to some of the ice, making a serious mistake. Icewine English or German Eiswein referring to the same type of wine, generally translated into ice wine, or ice wine. Ice wine is not as simple as ice wine, the wine really rare rare, expensive and its price. The purity of her unique style of the rich has been deeply attracted me, let me be seen from time to time to find her. In China, to hear "ice wine" is not the word for a long time, but the history of wine has about 200 years. She was born in Germany or Austria, but it is hard to tell which is clearly the specific areas where a winery. At present, the research could Icewine production as early as the time was in 1794, from Germany Franken (Franken) region. Put it in another way also known as ice wine originated in the Rhine in 1858 Heights (Rheingau) region, Schloss Johannisberg winery. In Germany and Austria, many of the winery is also a widespread legend of the birth of wine, about 200 years ago, a late autumn season, the owner of Chateau to go out and did not come back in time, hung on the branches of mature grape missed the usual pick Time was a sudden attack of heavy snow. Zhuang Yuanzhu people as a last resort, try to have been Dongcheng ice wine, the wine was found Niangchu unique flavor, fragrance unusual since the discovery of ice wine brewing methods and transmission so far. Although, actually originated in the ice, which has been difficult to verify, but the ice brewing process, but above the legend can be seen. In short, is the use of frozen ice wine grapes from the brewed liquor.


我了解LZ想要什么。Whiskies are very special and characteristic, with the eye-catching golden yellow color, the ‘woody ’ or ‘smoky’ hint in it’s aroma, and the fruity sweetness and pleasant bitterness of its taste.(30 words) 耀眼的金黃色,略帶木質(zhì)或煙熏的迷人香氣,以及那果甜味和舒適的苦味使威士忌成為一種很特別有個(gè)性的美酒。
Scotch Whisky Whisky is, in its most basic sense, a spirit that is distilled from grain. Sometimes the grain has been malted, sometimes not. It is aged, often for long periods of time, in wooden barrels (usually oak). This barrel-aging smoothes the rough palate of the raw spirit and adds aromatic and flavoring nuances along and the base amber hue, all of which set whiskies apart from white grain spirits such as Vodka, Gin and Aquavit, which are distilled closer to neutrality in taste, and then generally not aged in wood. The basis of Scotch whisky is the heather-flavored ales made from barley malt that the Picts and their prehistoric ancestors brewed. Archeologists have found evidence of such brewing dating back to at least 2000 B.C. This ale (which is still produced today by at least one Scottish microbrewer) was low in alcohol and not very stable. Starting in the ninth century, Irish monks arrived in Scotland to Christianize their Celtic brethren. Along with the Word of the Lord they brought the first primitive stills, which they had picked up during their proselytizing visits to mainland Europe during the Dark Ages. The local Picts soon found that they could create a stable alcoholic beverage by distilling their heather ale. Simple stills came to be found in most rural homesteads, and homemade whisky became an integral part of Gaelic culture
愛(ài)爾蘭威士忌 irish whiskeythe distillation of irish whiskey has a long history, no one knows for sure when it first began. some sources place it as early as the 6th century when irish monks brought the distillation process back from the middle east . we may never know for sure but can be thankful it was started sometime in the distance past, enabling many hundreds of years of experience and perfection to bring us to the stage we are at today. certainly the distillation process in ireland is many hundreds of years old. in gaelic the drink became knowh as "uisce beatha" which means "water of life." the normans called it "fuisce" and eventually it evolved into "whiskey." what needs to come together? barley, clear waters, and peat for the fires to toast the barley are the key ingredients. they are certainly all found in ireland ! apart from the spelling irish whisk(e)y differs from scotch whisky in that normally irish is distilled three times (but not always) verses two for most scotch. the malting process also differs between irish & scoth, as irish whiskey uses sprouted barley dried in a closed kiln that is then mixed with unmalted barley before being ground into a grist. this accounts for the smoothness of irish whiskey and the "non-peaty" taste compared to scotch.

